Monday, September 21, 2009

Is there anything better than acceptance and recognition?

....except ,of course, from true unconditional love....But doesn't such love involve  a c c e p t i n g   and  r e c o g n i s i n g  the good qualities in the ones we love? This IS an imperfect world...and we are all more or less imperfect human beings, with advantages and dissadvantages, with talents and characteristics to be proud of, but also caring our negative aspects, ones that we have to fight for to overcome, to be better for ourselves and others... 

   I 've been often labeled a dreamer, a romantic...but I think that this is just part of the truth. Anybody involved  in a c t u a l l y doing things is not a mere dreamer. And there is nothing more fullfiling than doing things with love. Attention! I do not say doing things WE is almost impossible throughout our lives to engage into doing ONLY things that we love...we should be very happy if we manage to reach such a level by day.

  So , what I want to say and point out is: doing things WITH love is what matters. That, translated in to everyday, non - dreamer language, means doing things with awareness, with care, getting really personally involved wether this is having a conversation, reading a book, doing the laundry, exercising, taking a walk, interacting with children, cleaning, going to our jobs ( even the ones we don't really like at a given point in our lives!)....everything!

  I also believe that    c r e a t i v i t y , in every of its possible expressions, is also a form of love. And lately, I 've been meeting so many creative people, that love their lives and love to live! It is so wonderful! If all could DO just a little bit for their dreams to come true, for the world to become better, if we can find the strength to transform our   w o r d s   into  a c t i o n s much could be achieved!

  To reach to a closure, let me share with you, that acceptance is a very basic notion in my life. For reasons unknown, I 've been deprived of it severely as I was growing up - eventhough my parents were the best that they could be. So, it means so much to me, to find out that what I do and who I am is accepted and very often lovely received and all, wonderful YOU. Thank you from the deep bottom of my heart. And of course, thank you Eva for having the Penthouse and me in your blog  "Otis & Frank"   and for the lovely , sweetest comments. You are the inspiration for me writing these words here!

  And since this is going to be a very busy week, it's time that I go and wish you all:
H a p p y   M o n d a y  and the  H a p p i e s t   A u t u m n  of all !


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