Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Warming things up....

(more detalis on this photo here

by slowly laying all the carpets in the apartment, eventhough today's 
weather is like heaven on earth here in Hessen!

...and by spicing things up a bit by adding some fun details, something so needed in a white & natural toned environment! Here, some " flying milkjugs " , hunging from an Ikea tree, (also seen here) inspired by amazing and talented Ninainvorm's  display of beautiful mugs.
If you haven't already done so - something almost impossible coz she's eveywhere, from Flickr, to Wohnen Ideen, to this issue of Ikea Family magazine, to her blog and Etsy shop, be sure to pay her a visit at any or all  of the above places! Sit back and enjoy!

   By the way, if I did not already own this off white, pure woolen carpet (1,80 x 2,40cm), bought at Ikea 2 - 3 winters ago and being still in a pretty good condition, I would have very much loved to buy yesterday at my  - almost - regular Teusday Ikea evening visit  (after the Art Classes in English) this one, which celebrates earthy yellow and geometry so fine! It's the Alvine Ruta, it meausures  1,70 x 2,40 cm and it costs - in Germany - 149 euros. Not bad!     

  As a choice of carpet, I also find the grey Alvine Rand very appealing. It is the "brother" of the previous one, as they are made from the same material, have the same dimensions, style and price. Up to you to choose!


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