Wednesday, October 7, 2009

On creativity, love, psychology and real life....somehow mixed in the same post

   This is one of a pair of two favorite dessert plates of mine, that were found in Habitat a few years ago. I like to use them for dessert and breakfast, especially when I could use to be cheered up a little bit.
   I haven't been making or posting many pictures lately, as there's not so much time or desire for it, due to issues that need to be taken care of. But I cannot leave this place, with out offering or sharing something with you. Because no matter what is going on, there's nothing more true, that comes from deeper inside me than expressing myself though creativity, decoration, design and photography! This is one of my ways of living with love and expressing love for life and promise that I 'll be always coming back, everytime having learnt something new and having made a new step ahead in life.

  It's funny, how through posts like this, the issue of Psychology is also touched....because who we are, what we do, how we live and express ourselves is actually part of our is part of who we are, it is a reflection of ourselves. It is of course a person's eyes that are the mirror of his/ her soul, but so is the way somebody lives and his/her place itself.

 It's not about money and possessions, eventhough money does help a lot to bring home with us things that we like and love to have, it 's mostly about the feeling that we give to the spaces where we live, and this can be achieved only by putting part of ourselves there. It' s about making a house a home, and this is done only through love.

   I know I' m getting kind of emotional, but I 'm not here to create impressions of living a perfect life, having everything sorted out and walking steadily on the path of life. No, I 'm actually here, writing these lines, because this is exactly what I need to do, to be able to make my very own, stable path in life and choosing to do it, being engaged in the things that are meaningful, important and by doing them, being able to offer the best part of me.

  It's funny how I had to complete my studies in Psychology, to find out that it's through creativity that I actually want to live. And I love to be creative with other people, especially with children. I 'm so thankful for the lovely hours spent together with them, through the Art&Crafts sessions. There is so much beauty coming out from their pure souls. And in the case that they are troubled, for any reason, oh! how it helps to understand more about them through their creations and drawings! And how soul soothing and therapeutic it is to let them and encourage them to express themselves.

  So, because this post has ended up touching far too many issues than it was intented, I will close by saying, do find yourselves through any expression of creativity and most af all, encourage your little ones ( or even bigger ones!) to experience this lovely - eventhough cruel very often at the same time - world, through every one of their senses! And to make the always necessary connection to this post's picture, a little eye candy to please the eye and soothe the soul, through these colourful, playful kimonos printed on this plate.

  A lovely Wednesday to all....keep on smiling ; -)


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