Thursday, October 1, 2009

What are you reading?

  I took this picture today for the flickr's group Desk Thursday. As I' ve said in previous posts, there's something about Thursdays that makes me like them a lot! So, Happy Thursday to all and specifically Happy Desk Thursday!...but most of all, a very nice month to all! October is here and so is Autumn slowly, slowly. Time for... more time spent indoors, for coccooning, for hot cups of tea or chocolate, accompanied with delicious cookies, cakes, our favorite music and of course books! What a great friend they make and how much they exercise the mind, open the spirit, sooth the soul, feed the imagination, add to our knowledge or simply just relax and entertain us.

  I 'll not pretend to be an avid reader, I read much less than I 'd like to and spend so much of my time reading or looking through my beloved decoration and design books. Concerning reading, I 've read a lot being a student, studing psychology but haven't read as many books of my personal choice as I ' d like.

  To go back to the picture, here is a description of what lies on the dining table, which other than its original purpose to be used for eating meals such as breakfast and dinner, it serves the purpose of being my daily desk. I simpy love sitting on the bench - self, having my legs crossed, almost like in the Lotus position of Yoga ( which kindly forces me to keep my back straight! ), exactly opposite the reading corner and having a view of the whole apartment...something of course not difficult to be acheived, due to its small size.

  So, books...and magazines! Starting on the top right and going clockwise:
1) The Times, this week's issue. They arrive weekly and as much as the man of the house would like me to read more of them, I manage to read only a few articles from time to time.
2)  Kinder machen Weihnachtssachen: A book about making Christmas crafts with children in German. It's lovely! I bought it this week in Wiesbaden, to practice my German while preparing for December's Arts&Crafts in English seminar. I still need to prepare the next seminar though, taking place in the end of this month celebrating of course, what else?...Halloween!
3) One for my Baby by Tony Parsons, a German edition again, for the same practising reasons. Found in a bookstore in Frankfurt and purchased just for 2 euros! I love the way it's written, but it takes me  a g e s   to move from one page to the other! Oh well, patience is acquired...not so easily!
4) Ikea Family Live, issue Herbst 2009. Oh how I love this magazine! Amazing Ninainworm is featured in this issue.
5) Randevous mit der Zeit, a book with funny, wonderful illustrations, dating back to 1975. I don't really understand it but appreciate its style and am very happy that I won it for 1 euro in ebay ( + 65 cents shipping costs).The time will come that I'll be able to figure it out. And last but not least:
6) Deutsch Pruefungstraining Goethe - Zertificat B2.

  I decided to go on studing on my own and only enroll myself to the last class of this stage - that would be the 3rd one ( there is B2 -1, B2-2 and B2-3). Being a teacher myself, am aware of how to study effectively in order to learn a language. And of course there is so much gained after a full year of Volkhochschule, that I think a break is accepatable. Nevertheless, the benefits of participating in a course are numerous, from learning from - most often - great teachers, to meeting other people and interacting with them using the target language and very possibly making friends! Keeping all these in mind, I'll be participating in a course in the Volkhochshule of  Mainz, sometime in the next few weeks.

  So what about you...what are you reading? I 'd love to hear what you like to read, what you are currently reading or what you plan to read. And if you' d like to make pictures of them, they are very welcome!


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