Monday, November 9, 2009

Apartment Therapy: a great blog & friend.

It has been a while since I posted here and I plan to do so again, soon. As I 'm in the procees of an exciting job hunt, I spent much more time writing applications and cover letters in German, which requires a lot of effort ( I do have precious help though for which I 'm very grateful ), that posting about decoration projects, isn't a priority at the momment. I took a few minutes though to prepare this thank you post for Apartment Therapy, as my work and pictures have been featured and / or participated in 7 posts alltogether, within 4 months. I consider therefore lots of the people who write for this, beloved to most of us, inspiring blog to be friends!
Susie Nadler  from AT San Fransisco,
Abby Stone, Beth Zeigler, Laure Joliet  from AT Los Angeles,
Sarah Ray Trover  from AT Chicago,  
Gregory Han  from AT Unplggd,
Rachel Ray  from AT Re-nest 

thank you all for warmly embracing ivy sytle33 and her interior design projects!
It has been great to be hosted in your virtual pages!




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