Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wallpaper crazy!

By now I can declare myself as....wallpaper addicted! Ever since these vintage, wallpaper rolls came my way....the notion of the word has a whole new meaning to me. Not that I wasn't fond of wallpaper before used in decoration, as much as in creative crafty ways, but I simply started appreciating the whole concept a bit more.  

Any way, to make a long story short....these vintage rolls I 'm talking about are original, stamped and handsigned pieces of 1965 Albert Van Luit wallpaper, an American company that seemed to have a glorious name back in the good old times. I also checked their current stock, but to my disappointment  found nothing similar to these glorious pieces. ( Thank God for brands like Ferm Living!)

They hold names such as India, Renaissance, Borgese Damask and all of them have golden accents in their designs. Originallly I would consider something like that to be too glamorous for my kind of minimal, low and neutral toned style,  but I was surprised to see how well they work together with natural materials such as here or creating a more modern contemporary look like here. Both pictures are from The Penthouse.

Another reason that they fancinate me is the story that lies behind their the dusty attic of an old wallpaper shop, in the very center of Athens....forgotten.... I really have no rememberance of how I ended up up there. I have the impression that I 'm driven by a special force when it comes to discovering and revealing similar things.

I have been returning to the same store now and then during my visits in Athens, but must admit that the prices were higher up, due to the fact, as the owner said, that there is currently a lot of demand as stylists, decorators and  theater people have been finding their supplies there. Oh well, the man is still kind enough to give me a reduction, since I never leave with less than three rolls in my shopping bag!

Some of these were meant to be sold under the vintage category in my Etsy shop, but it was too hard for me to let them go. So, I decided to get crafty and play with them a little, while producing things handmade for my shop. This is how I came up with the " Christmas - and not only! - ornaments", currently listed and availiable in newivystyle's shop. Don't be confused by the name, it is my shop, ivy style33's shop! 

Hope the following pictures will serve as much as an eye candy to you, as they do to me! 

Wishes for a great weekend : )


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