Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Little English House Project....

....the last day of December and of this year has alreay arrived and is soon to end...hard to believe how fast time passes by! December for me was quite busy and had a couple of pleasant surprises, so it already brings me to the new year with a positive feeling and energy. I hope and wish the same to all of you!

...leaving this last post on my blog here, presenting a small project that brought me a lot of happiness while preparing it at the beginning of the month. I made the gift wrapping for 20 sweet woolen Santa Clauses in white or in beige, which were given as a symbolic present to the business associates of my friend Susan, the English teacher  of the Little English House in Wiesbaden.

For the wrapping I used:
-> rectangular paper bags made from A4 paper prints of my own " Christmas " design in 2 versions and sizes
-> white & golden string
-> little trees & stars made from cork...
-> decorated each with a snowflake punched fron the same papers
-> cards made from silver carton on which I handwrote the wishes
-> handmade bag from recycled paper to carry the presents in.

 Finally, as I wanted to leave my links in case people want to contact me and had not business cards at that time, I made some bookmarks instead. I used the same silver carton I used for the cards and handwrote my details on the back side. I decorated them with thin waxed string in three colours - dark pink, purple and beige/brown - and tiny silver reindeers, resembling to having been made from pieces of mirror.

I hope you enjoy the pictures...and wishing you all to have a wonderful beginning tonight in this New Year to come! May it bring to each one of you exactly what you need and wish for!

See you all in 2010!









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