Thursday, March 25, 2010

The road Home . . .

A collection of pictures taken on an early Spring morning this week, presenting fragments of the settings found, when returning from a super market, located a 20' relaxed walk from / to our current place of living ( The Penthouse )

The road....Home passes through the park and Opel Villen district.

So, after having done some necessary  - but not heavy - shopping ( including one more bouquette of tulips), so as to be able to enjoy the walk back,  carrying the groceries in eco friendly bags and armed with the camera in hand, I sipped in every moment, as if it was the first time I was walking this path. 

It is amazing what effects does attention to detail and willingness to see the beauty around us bring to our realities.

The same path has been taken several times before and always was appreciated for its beauty, but it seems as something must have been missing....

Absolute presence, to the given moment, surrendered to the senses and putting the mind and racing thoughts at ease.

 Not doubting and being thankful for the lucky and blissed occasion, that someone can enjoy a 20' min walk through a park, by a river, no cars passing, eventhough the central road is only a few meters dinstanced and at the same time being in a very central city, these lines are also written with the intention of emphasizing the importance of looking for beauty in our immediate environments.

As in most of the cases, beauty is there, just waiting for us to notice it and appreciate it.

So, here is the entrance to the Opel Villen district, built by Verna park, which in its turn is located by the river Main.


This is a sign which notifies that this is a living area, where citizens walk, where children might be playing freely and that cars can be driven only in walking (!) speed.

This is a part of the fortress, for which information can be found here

And somewhere here Verna park begins

Well, as much as I'd like to describe details in English, it seems that German language is so descriptive that the right word isn't always found in translation. So, I'll just present you with their original names in some cases and direct you to the main page each time. 

Above and below the Täuschung im Kleinen can be seen

Below here is Der turm or else, the Tower or the Castle. . . such a romantic note....makes me imagine of Shakespear's Romeo & Juliet taking place...
Its beauty, mystery and medieval atmosphere always seem to catch my attention so much, that this time I made a  lot of pictures, just as I was walking closer and closer to it.

I just love this tiny is where Juliet would stand...right?

And here is the little bridge Romeo would have to cross, to reach the entrace of the tower where his beloved Juliet lived.

This is a fine example of the Tromp l'oeil technique, carrying the name of Täuschung in Grossen, the above picture taken from a short distance and below from further away...

....It trully gives the impression that there is a waterfall going on behind the tower...

....the fountain, which looked like this and that just a few weeks ago, when the temperatures were quite low and the snow had just melted...

This is the path one encounters as he/she enters the park from its main entrance, which looked like this, just a few weeks ago.

And on the way out of the park the first roofs of houses can be seen, not like those of the Opel Villen district, which are much more impressive, but simple ones...still quite charming in their humbleness and simplicity...

And the first sings of spring here, too in the park as also in the city 

And to bring this nice, long walk with you to an end, here I was, standing on the grass, filled with daffodils and other sping flowers, where I stopped to make a picture of this huge, cotton bagcarrying empty plastic bottles on its way to the super market, 
and some groceries on its way home. 
This bag was found at H&M home and got a handwritten treat from me, in the usual spirit, of writing on things the profound, meaning what they actually are.

The word "bag" is written in French - une poche - and in German - eine Tasche, and most probably it will also be written in English.

Can you spot the bouquette of tulips among the flowers on the grass?

  I hope you enjoyed this walk, showing you the world through my eyes and you are encouraged to take some time off, during your busy daily and weekly schedules and look for the beauty that lies around you, as much as the one that lies within you.

   It's only us that can bring beauty in our lives, just as we can also bring matter how hard life might seem and actually be sometimes, it's always worth it and trully rewarding to try and make the best out of it, very often performing small, daily miracles, just with our thoughts, gestures and actions.


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