Monday, March 8, 2010

The world through the eyes of love

Love is a quality rather to be practised than spoken about.

It is this quality, that completely transforms our lives and one that must be cultivated in order to be understood.

Love is naturally not only romantic love, but a vast essence.
Love is undestanding
Love is acceptance
Love is forgiveness
Love is actually listening
Love is making space for a different perspective, without necessarily needing to adopt it
Love is respect
Love is setting boundaries and
Love is accepting the limits others set
Love is adjustment
Love is accepting that in life there is both happiness & pain
Love is the power to change

" I love you but I cannot ", is a contradiction.

" I love this/that/the world/myself, but I have no time/money/courage to support it, is another.

Loving somebody, something, ourselves = doing anything possible in our power to support this saying, no matter how difficult, no matter how hard, no matter how much inconvenience and pain must be gone through, often overcoming our own selves.

After years of having written these love quotes on these mirrors, back in 2004, it's now more than ever, that I actually understand and experience what I myself had written as aspirations of what love is, when my reality and everyday life were definetely not bad, but still wholeness and fullfilness wasn't acheived.

I hope that now is the start of a probably another half of my life ( I'm turning 35 these days ),when I can do anything possible in my daily life to experience and spread love.

Here and now, more than ever, my heart is at home and seeing the world through the eyes of love is a possibility.

My own shortcomings, failures and imperfections had to be accepted,
Occasional unfairness and cause of pain had also to be accepted and let go....

and it is always a daily decision, the way in which to experience the world, often not the easiest one to take, as the world can be and is often hard.

Still the only meaningfull way to live is through practising and experiencing love...

If we people are to be determinded by something, it is our experiences and our feelings...rather than possesions....and life is too precious to be wasted in being bitter and complaining, sitting with our hands crossed, only to move them, in order to point our finger to somebody else who is supposedly responsible for our unhappiness.

Taking the responsibility of our own existences is love.

Devoted to my dear friend and therapist Vali, who has supported me in every possible way these past seven years, into my personal quest of finding Love.

It's a blessing to have met you.

For a more complete and detailed view of the quotes written on the mirrors, you may visit this set of pictures.


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