Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weee moments in a weekend!

Part I : Saturday

This weekend I took it easy...very easy!

On Saturday afternoon, I rode my bicycle for the first time after autumn, which was both lovely I was really unfit, especially the first minutes!

We went to the same place we took our unplanned walk on Friday early evening.

We needed to cross the bridge to the opposite side and reach a small hill, not more than 5 km away from our home....perfect for a first cycling ride after a few months.

We mostly relaxed on the grass and each of us did things that pleased him or her...we both took pictures....I read the newly picked up Ikea Family issue - on a quick and late visit on Friday night, to purchase some tea candlelights, paper napkins, and two, new plants for our veranda, to replace the  (very sadly) dead olive trees ( after 7 years of them having lived with me in various places) - and we ate...peanuts and....almonds with raisins and time though we'll organise a pick - nic!

Knowing that I've fallen behind on a few things on my to do list - as sometimes new things pop up during days that need to be taken care of - and realising that this means long hours of work to come, both in and out of the house, I took some time to be...silly...making some space inside and charging the self's batteries....

I took the time to be childish and uncomplicated...not I flipped my jeans up and enjoyed the warm sun on my legs....played by lifting them on the air while looking up, lying down, under a tree....oh!...what a free feeling!

Only "weeeeee!" the best way to describe it...expression which I borrow from darling EmmaAs lifting my feet up in the air was not enough, I engaged quickly in to one of my favorite childhood activities....

So, there I was, definetely not so flexible and fit as when I was a little girl, but still fit enough for being 35 and lately, relatively untrained...climbing the tree and ending up sitted on one of its branches...nooo, I had no help whatsoever by the certain Mister who was with me....I did it all alone and surprisligly, an innocent feeling of accomplishment filled my heart...!

The sun was still strong enough around 19:30 but we slowly started returning, making also a few stops for photographs on our way...

On the way back, we passed from our super market to pick up some groceries and decided that eventhough the fridge was totally prepared to offer nice meals,
we'd just enjoy our lazyness and order some of our favorite Chinese plates.

Mmmmmm, how rewarding a meal seems ( and is!) after having moved and spent time in nature and in the fresh air!

Oh well, one more time I have to repeat that, to remind mostly myself and to further realise and digest it.....happiness lies very often in the small things...and it is found and experienced when we don't madly chase it...

I hope you all enjoyed moments to cherish this weekend, but again, if for any reasons it was rather difficult or unpleasant, please do remember, that better times will come your /our ways and that everything is part of these precious lives we live!

Sending all a big hug and a smile!


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