Sunday, May 2, 2010

A different kind of power....

...the power of tranquility...of light...of softness....of simplicity....the power of solid wood....of brick walls...or mirror reflections and swirling energy....the power of eyes and perception...the power of movement....of beauty, of memories of things once loved...the power of freedom and happiness...

...each one of these images carries a strong ammount of power to my eyes...yet they are all so calm and relaxing...but in no way boring...

Power is an issue to be considered a lot, as throughout history, as much as in our current days, misuse of it is responsible for countless pain and destruction in our world...caused both to humans and nature itself.

It is usually misused in the hands of the greedy, self centered and ignorant...and in the hands of the unawarably low self-esteemed ones and the ones whose pain is left untreated...camouflaging the wounds with uncontrolable anger and hunger for attention.

in the world starts from peace within our hearts. Let's take the necessary steps to be gradually achieving this point throughout our lives, doing both ourselves, our loved ones and the world a favor.

We have the power in our hands....we have the power in our minds...but most of all we have the power in our hearts.

Starting by simply never causing or wishing to someboby anything, that we wouldn't like to happen to us.
Starting by respecting our fellow human beings and our individual differences and never but never understimating others, as we can never know exactly what they have been through their lives.

Power matters into bringing peace. Power should not be missunderstood for aggresiveness, ambition or anger.


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