Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ivy hearts styling...

Ivy hearts styling..., originally uploaded by ivy style33.

....wether interiors, exteriors or fashion, she loves to style!
....and most of all she loves to style with a clear mind and a smily heart!...she's happy for her initial studies and major in Psychology (and minor in Philosophy ) and sees that provided there is health given, there is nothing that can stand between a person and his/her true passion!

Having been passionate about style all my life, the only reason I hadn't studied it at the beginning was that major life issues in my immediate environment called for understanding, and studies on the subject mentioned were a priority.

Years of personal analysis followed ( as to practice in my own self what studied) and all comes down to the one and only truth: we are all born with some talents and passions and there's nothing better than perfecting them as soon as possible....but should life bring it this way, that there is a is never too late and actually, late is better than never!

I have come to conclude that there is a special quality in styling that fascinates me and this is that of balance.

I know that decorating is very often about astonishing results and evoking ohhhhs and wooows, or needing to impress even a little bit with some possesions. This is fine and quite often I myself do admire such spaces, but somehow I prefer to live and create simple interiors, that are powered by the personalities of the people inhabiting them.

Balanced interiors of course needn't always be in neutral palletes, as much as balanced people needn't always be quiet! They can still be expressive and get super enthusiastic about things, still there's something about the way of expressing that holds a certain balance....

Always...not too much....and not too little...who knows maybe a new wave will emerge....after minimalism and maximalism....balancism!

If we think about it, we are all amazed or affected by balance in so many ways....dancers and acrobats wouldn't be able to perform without balance...buildings wouldn't be able to stand straight, cyclists wouldn't be able to ride their bicycles or motorcycles, there would be no musical harmony and of course there would be no day and night, no seasons....everything in the whole of existence seems to be based on balance....but we people are sometimes so dependent on our need to impress, that we choose fancy or extreme ways - in our interiors / outfits/ behavior - which are definetely much more notable and exciting...and probably easier to achieve...

Do they make us happy though?
Could it be that the key to happiness is also balance


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